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Tuesday 29 July 2014

Blog 94 Scotland could guarantee a win if...

... he convinced us he would deal effectively with the privatised utilities.

My first three months (and counting) in Scotland have been blighted by Scottish Power and their equally slimy inept robbing subcontractors Energy Networks and SGN. 

As an ex- npower / ex-BT customer I thought I’d experienced the worst of what a privatised utility company could throw at you. I was wrong. Scottish Power, Energy Networks and SGN make npower and BT look competent and altruistic.

It seems there is a new equation in the universe that might even fox Einstein -
Profiteering works in equal and opposite measure to the quality of customer service- to the power of a billion.

On a daily basis the stress of dealing with the privatised utilities cuts across the class divide in terms of a concern that causes common frustration and anger.

In the Public = good / Private = bad debate, we are missing the fact that, like the political landscape, it’s no longer an argument between two distinct elements.

Public good / private bad
Potayto / potaaahhto,
tomayto / tomaahto
Let’s sort the whole thing out…

Politicians like to do the ‘sneer’ thing when pointing out that the ‘public = good’ while ‘private = bad’ idea is sadly naive. It is, they seem to suggest, a view possibly only held by the hopelessly idealistic, baggy-trousered, bandanna-wearing, smelly, veggie, chakra obsessed, delusional leftie.

They may be right.

Public = good when it is done properly
Private = good when it is genuinely entrepreneurial

PRIVATISED  = good only for the government’s insatiably greedy, immoral, profiteering, bloodsucking, tax-avoiding, infrastructure destroying cronies who are going to fry in hell.

There – that’s better.

And do check out My BOOKS